Whether you’re feeling burnt out, unfulfilled, or simply ready for a change, understanding the signs and making a thoughtful decision can significantly impact your mental health.

In this episode, HR Manager, Danielle Huff and Therapist, April Bordeau, explore the various indicators that it might be time to move on from your current job. We discuss practical strategies for assessing your situation, managing emotions, and making a well-informed decision. Our goal is to empower you with the knowledge and tools to navigate this challenging but potentially rewarding transition.

  1. Recognizing Signs of Discontent:
    • Feeling consistently stressed, anxious, or physically unwell.
    • Lack of motivation and enthusiasm for work tasks.
    • Difficulty maintaining work-life balance.
    • Persistent conflicts with colleagues or management.
  2. Assessing Career Goals and Values:
    • Reflecting on your long-term career aspirations.
    • Evaluating whether your current job aligns with your values.
    • Identifying personal growth opportunities within or outside of your current role.
  3. Financial Considerations:
    • Balancing financial stability with job satisfaction.
    • Planning for potential financial impacts of quitting.
    • Exploring alternative sources of income or job opportunities.
  4. Emotional and Psychological Impact:
    • Understanding the toll of prolonged job dissatisfaction on mental health.
    • Seeking support from friends, family, or mental health professionals.
    • Coping strategies for managing stress during the decision-making process.
  5. Practical Steps for Transitioning:
    • Developing a transition plan and timeline.
    • Networking and exploring new job opportunities.
    • Resignation etiquette and maintaining professional relationships.

Reasons people often cite for leaving a job:

  • Better opportunities
  • Toxic work environment
  • Lack of professional or personal growth 
  • Lost passion for the work
  • Burn out
  • Misaligned values

Reasons it is difficult to leave:

  • grief 
  • don’t want to be viewed a quitter
  • afraid to make change
  • don’t want to let anyone down/afraid to disappoint
  • money/schedule or other logistics may deter someone from leaving

Steps to Leaving include:

  1. Self evaluate. As yourself what part of the issue you can own. Determine what is your responsibility.
  2. Just because something is good doesn’t mean it is best for you. Determine if this job is “best” for you, understanding there are seasons in life and something that was best may not always be best. 
  3. Have a conversation about the issues/consideration of leaving with your supervisor.
  4. Companies often change. Ask yourself if you are willing to accept the answer as “no” and if nothing changes if you can live with the way it is. 
  5. Determine if you have the energy needed to make the change needed to meet expectations. 

Remember that hope is not a strategy. Deciding when to quit your job is a significant life decision that requires careful consideration of various factors. By understanding the signs of discontent, assessing your career goals, and taking practical steps towards a transition, you can empower yourself to make a positive change for your mental health and overall wellbeing.

Remember, your career journey is a personal one, and it’s okay to seek guidance and support along the way. Join us next time as we delve into more topics on mental health and self-care. Until then, take care of yourselves and each other.

Contact us at 317-790-93