Today, there are more kinds of counselors and therapists than ever. If you’re seeking someone to help you understand and work through life’s challenges, it can be hard to know which way to turn. You’ll find psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists, life coaches, counselors, analysts, social workers, spiritual advisors, and so many more. Some have professional training. Others just rented office space and hung up a sign. And within each category, there’s a broad range of personalities and styles of working with people.

Is one better than another? That’s not really for us to say. People are very different, and they respond to different types of approaches. It might take trying multiple approaches — and multiple practitioners — before finding someone who helps. Which one may be right for you? Only you can answer that question.

What we can tell you, however, is what our professionals have to offer. We call it a three-tiered approach to counseling.

The first tier is education. Our professionals have pursued and obtained degrees from colleges and universities. They’ve studied concepts in psychology and social work, how brain chemistry affects behavior, and how individuals typically interact with others in society. They’ve learned about systems and behaviors that are seen as social acceptable and others that create challenges and problems. They’ve practiced treatment techniques under the close supervision of experienced professionals and gradually developed their own styles and specialties. Our professionals are well educated and well trained.

The second tier is what’s known as research or evidence-based approaches. Simply put, that means our professionals evaluate and treat people using strategies that have been carefully researched and found to be effective. For example, when adoptive parents are encountering behavior issues with their children, we use a strategy called Trust-Based Relational Intervention® (TBRI for short) that has been tested extensively and carefully refined over the last decade. Why do we use that approach? Because it has been proven to work again and again. We don’t want to experiment with your children. We want to use what works. Our professionals have studied researched based approaches.

The third tier is one that makes us unique. Everything we do is built upon a solid foundation of Biblical truth. Now, that doesn’t mean that when a client tells us about a particular problem, we recite an appropriate verse and send him or her out the door. What it does mean is that the principles we learned from the Bible give us a firm basis for serving others. We consider our work to be a calling and believe we are imitating Christ’s example of love and compassion when we help people find ways to live joy-filled lives of purpose. Our professionals are following their personal calling in a professional setting, as we help you.

Trained professionals living our calling while using research-based solutions to help you. Care to Change. It’s a unique, three-tiered approach that is already making a difference in the lives of people we serve.

To learn more about how we can help you, please contact us today.

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